Nov 13, 2022
We're BACK with Season 4! We've missed you all. As you know, Mom and I choose a verse to guide us through each season, and this time it's wisdom from the book of Micah: "He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion), And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]?" (Micah 6:8, Amplified Bible)
Throughout this episode we:
- Explore the prophet Micah, the ways God spoke through him to Israel lifting up his heart for compassion, justice and mercy, while also calling for repentance when these values are not lived out.
- What it means to embody justice, love and mercy in our daily lives, and how it expands our faith, deepening how we define community. Check out our deveotional, Seeing with Our Hearts inspired by Micah 6:8.
- Podcast conversations we are excited to share with you all incluude Jesus People (a community-based ministry in Chicago serving the poor), Jamie McGhee and Adam Hollowell, authors of You Mean It or You Don't: James Baldwin's Radical Challenge and creators of the online space Praying with James Baldwin, Keith Kristich, founder of Closer Than Breath, an online community rooted in centering prayer and meditation, and more.
Additional Resources:
We love this overview of the book of Micah from Bible project.
James Baldwin's 1979 speech at Berkeley, Take Your Children Out of These Schools
Support our Work:
- Upcoming fundraiser on Double Good! You can purchase yummy popcorn and Pray with our Feet receives 50% of the profits to power our work. Double Good has helped organizations (creating change) raise over 90 million dollars.
- Shop our NEW online store where you can find everything from sweatshirts to mugs and tees reminding you to Pray with your Feet!
- Follow our IG Live series: Move it Forward Monday at 12:30pm EST. The series highlights change makers in our communities and is done in collaboration with our friend Rowana, founder of Spoken Black Girl, a wellness community and magazine for Black women writers and women of color.
Power the Movement: Pray with our Feet tee
Stay Connected on Social: @praywithourfeet on Instagram, Twitter , Facebook and TikTok (we're new to this platform).
Our podcast is produced by my husband Keston De Coteau, an award-winning videographer and photographer. Learn more about his work here.