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Pray With our Feet

Pray with our Feet is a podcast and community rooted in the radical love of Christ. We uplift the intersection of progressive Christian faith and social justice / activism. We believe we are called to make a difference in the world around us. Founded by Emelda De Coteau and Trudy Leocadio, mother and daughter. Find us on Instagram, and Twitter: @praywithourfeet.

Jun 12, 2023


The climate is in crisis, but that doesn’t mean change is impossible. I caught up with Holly Petersen, the inspiring co-founder of Christian Climate Action (CCA) about planet activism rooted in our faith. Christian Climate Action is a community of Christians supporting each other to take meaningful action for the planet. Inspired by Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, and following the example of social justice movements of the past, CCA carries out acts of public witness, nonviolent protest and civil disobedience to urge those in power to make the changes needed.

We discuss how Holly sees Jesus and justice as inextricably linked (shared so powerfully in this YouTube video), the many ways CCA is standing up for the planet from prayerful protests to pushing church leadership, business, and government to divest from fossil fuels.

Ways to Get Involved - 

Holly shares practical steps we can all take in our church spaces to affect change, including calling on Pastors and church leaders to divest from fossil fuel investments, and stand alongside us, in the streets, at direct actions for the climate.  Although this movement began in the UK, there are CCA groups around the world, and anyone can start their own by reaching out to CCA direcly.

You may also participate by attending their regular online events such as daily prayer and Saturday reflections (teaching sessions which examine various aspects of the climate emergency and biblical perspectives on how we might respond). There are also numerous ways to involve your church, learn more here.

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Snag your Pray with our Feet notebook (Prayer without Action is Performance) and find more merch. in our online shop.

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Head over to Instagram, Twitter and TikTok where the conversation continues between episodes. 

Special thank you to my husand Keston De Coteau, for podcast production; he is an award-winning videographer and photographer.